Sunday, March 13, 2011

West Wylong, Sydney, Newcastle NSW

G'day moover and groovers; Matt here.

I needed to make an amendment to the last blog Louise sent out because, she forgot to mention before we arrived in Sydney, we visited our good friend Carmen, who lives on a 900 acre property in West Wylong.

We have known Carmen for over 10 years when Louise use to work with her at Sydney City Council, and we have been visiting Carmen (and her farm animals) at her lovely property for the past 3-5 years where Louise and I made the pilgrimage around twice a year.

We usually spend 3 or 4 days at Carmens and do the odd job helping out around the house and property, while I mow the lawn (all 5 acres on her ride on mower where it takes me 2-3 days) Carmen and Louise visit the local vinnies to do some shopping, followed by a BBQ and a few cold bevies in the afternoon (usually a red wine Sangria Louise makes up).

Carmen has been a great follower of our blog and a big thank you to her for her support and friendship!!!

See you again soon Carmen ...

Louie here, we are currently in Newcastle NSW and about to leave the bosom of our pals Al and Dewita to go north to the Gold Coast and Queensland in general, eventually to end up at our main destination, Magnetic Island near Townsville, far north Queensland.  Maggie island will be the end of our trip we think, but of course we may decided to stay on the road and go and see the bits of Queensland we missed when we started out - who knows?  Its a big country and we have met people on the road who have going around for years...

We arrived in Sydney about 3 March and spent some quality time with our chum Geoff who lives in Freshwater near where we used to live in Narraweena, on Sydney's northern beaches, before we started our trip.  It was great to catch up with him again and to see some of our old friends.  We were in Sydney to catch the main event, the 2011 Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Parade and Party.  We took out a serviced apartment in Bondi Junction, and after a lovely lunch with our chum Chris at Point Piper, on the day of the party, (4th) we headed off to Bondi Junction.

It was a fantastic party with about 10,000 other party goers, and the main DJ was a guy called USA DJ named Frankie Knuckles who is one of the originators of 'house' music, from his club the Warehouse back in the 80s.  He was very good to say the least and the laser lights were amazing; We met up with our girlfriend, Kelly B. who was on a float in the MG Parade, and it must have been a good night as we left at 6am and its all now a bit of a blur...

We returned back to Geoff's place on the Tuesday after the party, and spent a few more days with him, enjoying his hospitality and I managed to catch up with my chum from my ranger days, Jason.

Jason is still 'in the saddle' working at Warringah Council, and looked very smart in the new uniform now issued by them.  Out are the white cotton l/s shirts with shoulder patches, and in are the new polo type shirts with just the word 'ranger' on the front.  I'm not sure if they would grant the wearer the authority the old uniform would, but as I am lucky enough not to have to cop the abuse I used to when doing the job, I will have to just take a guess on that question.

We tearfully left Geoff last Thursday and made our way to here in Newcastle to stay with our chums Al & Dewita.  The weather has been kind to us and we have been taking their dog Cupcake to the dogs' beach for swims and enjoying the beaches (Bar Beach) and surrounds plus we went to one of the local flea markets on Sunday.

I will post some photos as soon as I can, the card reader for the camera is in the van somewhere  so apologies in advance.

It will be very odd getting back to sleeping in our little van again, for the past 3 weeks we have had the luxury of sleeping in other peoples beds so using our little 3/4 size mattress will be interesting to say the least...

I will have to go and jump in shower now and Matt is trying to get an online vote happening for the NSW elections that occur soon;  we shall be in Queensland and if we don't vote we get fined.
adios Louise

At Carmens place where the chickens like to eat dog food.  Jackie the dog somehow never seems to mind...25.2.11

Louise with Morgan the three legged cat, he lost one of his hind legs from a fox attack! 26.2.11

Carmens place situated on 900 acres

Some baby ducklings waddling around the house

Stevie the cat, he is the older and more wiser farm cat out of  the two cats that reside at Carmens place. 26.2.11

At our friend Geoff's place, we stayed with Geoff while in Sydney and he strung up all the post cards (45 of them) we sent him of our trip around OZ.  28.2.11

A night out with some of Louise's ex-work colleagues.  Jason and Tracey, Hob Nob Thai at Collaroy 3.3.11

We met up with our long time friend Chris at Manly beach for the day. 4.3.11

Some more pics of Chris his American friend Damon, Louise and Geoff. 4.3.11

Our friend Jonathan and his young snippet, Sienna, the cheeky little monster! 9.3.11

Louise and myself back at where we started our trip from in June 2010 outside Geoff's place in Freshwater... phew, we made it all in one piece! 10.3.11

thanks to all who made our stay in Sydney so memorable;  see you soon again we hope....