Friday, September 17, 2010

The Pinnacles, The Gravity Centre, Perth and Fremantle WA

(17th Sept) Louise in Fremantle posing to get her sculpture, still needs the botox louise LOL... 
(17th Sept) Matt doing the same only he needs liposuction AND botox...
(17th Sept) Louise in Fremantle.
(15th Sept) A rocket taking off for the school children at the gravity wave centre. Gin Gin WA
A piece of meteorite that feel to the earth weighing 300kg! SOLID IRON!
The Gravity Wave Centre in Gin Gin just outside of Perth about 100km north.
(13th Sept) What a big pinnacle that is...
Louise at the pinnacles too, it was a very surreal place to walk around on your own
This picture does not really do it any any justice, there are sooo many of them.

Louise at the Pinancles

We had a look at Fremantle today and really loved the place, it too has a laid back lifestlye with a trendy and hip feel to it with many of its trendy cafes, pubs, eateries and boutiques.

If Maggie Island ends up being too humid for us (WA has a dry heat) we would seriously come to think about moving over here. You can can pick up a 3 bedroom house near the beach for around $500,000 and the beaches run about 22km along the Perth coastline. Perth basically has the same temperature in the winter (cool at night but pleasantly warm in the day, around 25C) as Nth Qld.

We are off to Wave Rock tomorrow which is about 350km east of Perth and driving around the surrounding countryside for 3 days then heading back to Perth to walk around the city and have another look at Fremantle for a few days.

If you thought the ferry prices to Magnetic Island were expensive, we went to catch a ferry to Rottnest Island today and the price for a return trip was $48.00 each plus a $15.00 govt tax each, plus $24.00 each to hire a bike out for the day given there no cars on the Island and you have to cycle around or you can your own bike and get charged $14.00... AND we had to pay $1.00 an hour for parking our van on the mainland.

We decided that because we are are going to be living on an island in the near future what was the point!

All up it would have cost us $200 without having to buy lunch... sorry they can keep it...

We went to the gravity centre in Gingin which was amazing... they are trying to find the waves as predicted by Einstein and they think they may find them in the next 5 years or so.  

The Pinnacles were also amazing,  a landscape like no other, 2 m yrs ago, trees were covered by dunes, then by lava then uncovered to be like they are now;  very spooky.

Hope all our readers are well; we are, and having a great time...  

catch ya;  matt and louise

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