Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Valley of the giants, Albany W.A. (2nd - 6th Oct 201

This pic was taken form a lookout over one side of Albany, it is a beautiful  place but can get very windy and quite cold.

Matt at one of the fluoro white beaches Albany has to offer.

The natural bridge at the Doonilup national park just outside Albany,  this is the last bit of land between Australia and Antarctica.

You can really feel the immense power from the ocean swell, if you jumped in there you would be swept out to sea in a matter of seconds and gone forever!

This pic was taken just on the other side of the natural bridge, if you look at the cliff face, you can see where the Antarctica landmass tore away from here. 

Matt trying to be a tree hugger while visiting the valley of the giants, these were over 400 hundred years old.  Walking amongst these colossus gave you some sense of feeling very insignificant. 

A beach we stayed at overnight about 15km before Albany called Cosy Corner.


Even with the hollows in these magnificent giants, they still manage to hold onto life and just keep growing!

Your breath is just taken away when you see how straight up these monsters grow 'straight up'

The 650 metre tree top walk through the canopy of the valley of the giants, you get a real birds-eye view  being 60 metres up, in fact I almost shook wings with a couple.

Louise getting a perspective on how high we were up.

Just at the beginning of the tree-top walk, when you get a few people on the walkway it can get quite wobbly.

Well hello again neighbours,  Matt here...

We are currently camped up for the night at a rest area 200km west of Esperence and had really great Internet coverage and thought, why not get a quick blog out!

The Valley of the giants was a real highlight of our trip thus far and compared to a month ago when we were in the Pilbara (rock country) it was chalk and cheese.

The south western corner of WA, all the way down from Perth to Augusta and stretching across to Albany is by far the best part of the trip for scenery.  Don't get me wrong, the desert/rock country was truly spectacular but, for me, the trees, surf, coastline and lush green countryside have it!

The valley of the giants and the sheer beauty of the coast, just makes you feel so lucky to be living in a wonderful country that has everything to offer.  Albany with a population of around 30+ thousand was very friendly and clean, the beaches just keep on getting better as we go around the coast, the only bad thing being, the water is still too cold to put your toes into.

But then again we could still be in the Kimberly where the day temp is around 38C and humid, so for the time being we are putting up with the cold and I am sure we will get some of the heat as the year goes on.

We will be in Esperence tomorrow and we hope to stay a one of its national parks called 'Cape Legrand' which has a reputation for having some of the nicest beaches in Australia, we hope the weather will be good and we plan to take many photos and post them on our next blog.

We wish everyone well and would also like congratulate my sister Denielle for tying the knot to her husband Dan over the weekend just gone in Townsville.

Please feel free to leave us comments - we love to hear from you...

Matt and Louise xoxoox

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