Sunday, December 19, 2010

Great Ocean Road, Lorne, Great Ottway National Park

Hello all,  Matt here,

Merry Christmas to you all!

Louise and I will be spending our Xmas in Tasmania with our dear friends Sarah and Dom who moved there 2 years ago from Sydney, and from the way the weather has been lately in Victoria (Freeeezzzing) we suspect it will be no better south of the border!  Time to get the ugg boots out again?

It has been a while since our last blog, as soon as we jumped on the Great Ocean road nearly 2 weeks ago we have had a case of - 'our heads up our bottoms'.

The drive from the 12 Apostles to Torquay has been absolutely spectacular, the surrounding countryside off the coastal road is taken up by the massive 'Great Otway National Park', it covers the whole length of the drive and goes inland some 50 km which consists of beautiful farmland and rain forest.

The national park is crissed-crossed with walking tracks and we must have walked to around half a dozen of them (some of them are in the pics below).  As we drove along the drive we soon discovered most of the little towns along the way did not like people camping in their area so we made dashes into the many lovely campsites that the national park had to offer amongst the trees.

The drive along the Great Ocean Road can get very Windy and narrow where the average speed limit is around 40-60 km, which makes a perfect speed to take in the views of the coastline.  There are also many spots where you can pull over to take happy snaps of the great views.

If you have never done the Great Ocean drive, we seriously recommend  -- it is one of those things you must do before you die! You can spend weeks doing it and still not get enough of it - a bit like eating chocolate Louise says...

We are currently in a place called Ocean Grove (very touristy) which is about 100 km south west of Melbourne while we are awaiting to make the mad dash over to Port Melbourne to catch the ferry to Tassie.  A Tassie xmas should be fun and we are both looking forward to it.

Our next blog will most likely not be posted until after the new year so - we wish everyone who has been following us all the very best and safe Xmas/new year.

Matt and Louise xoxoxoxo

Had to get a photo of the sign that lets you know you are starting the Great Ocean Road drive. 12 DEC, 2010

One of the many lookouts before you get to the "12 Apostles "- The Archway; 12.12.10

If you cannot read the sign (we had to take a pic of it) it basically read, 'DANGER DO NOT ENTER UNSTABLE CLIFFS, IF YOU PROCEED YOU MAY DIE".

We thought it was quite funny to think anyone would even think about climbing over the fence to take a closer look (there was no point given you were already so close to the Apostles). 12.12.10

Louise and some of the apostles, well what is left of them after a few of them have collapsed into the water over the past few years.  12.12.10

Part of the views driving along the great ocean road.

One of the many look-outs you can stop off at along the road.

The photo does not clearly show it, but the road hugs the coastline for miles and miles giving you views like this all the way!!!  13.12.10

One of the many waterfalls we walked into, these falls are called Triplet Falls. 16.12.10

Another one of the many falls.   Beauchamp Falls , Vic.  16.12.10

This pic was taken in the town called Lorne, it is one of the major coastal townships along the way.

A huge storm was brewing out to sea and it felt quite eerie before it hit the mainland.  17.12.10

The storm getting closer to the coastline.  3pm 17.12.10

We managed to find a place along the road where there were no 'NO CAMPING' signs, Louise and I have the saying 'if it ain't signed it is fair game'.  I was literally standing on the Great Ocean Road when I took this pic.

We were very surprised how quite the road was after 6pm, there were hardly any vehicles on the road from 6pm-6am.

Louise at the famous Bells Beach headland.  18.12.10

We were driving along the road  towards Torquay when this house sprang up from around the corner. It is linked by a walkway to the part at the back; whacky or what?  16.12.10

Had to get a pic with the plaque.  16.12.10


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