Tuesday, July 5, 2011

please see my new(ish) blog on Blogger

dear readers

as our lovely trip around Australia has finished and we are now settling down on Magnetic Island, Queensland, Australia, I am putting out another blog;  its address is:


and its about our adventures here on Maggie Island, as the locals call it... (I started it a few months ago)

All is going well here

Please have a look and I look forward  to receiving  some of your comments....

best wishes: Louise   5.7.11

Sunday, May 1, 2011

news update... news update...Our campervan has been sold!

Our Matilda van - now sadly sold!  April 2011

dear blog readers - Louise here...

Just to let you all know the final details regarding our journey, and its end,  around Australia.

We arrived at Magnetic Island on 2nd April to stay with Matt's folks under their house in the 'granny flat'.   We had to sell Matt's Mitsubishi Mirage car and our lovely Matilda Camper van that had so reliably got us around Australia.

We then posted notices on the local free community notice boards on the island, and I am happy to say Matt's Mirage sold within about 10 days;  Happy days;  we were asking $3,500 but settled for $3,300.   Now it was time to get rid of the van - we need the money desperately to help pay for our house build, that we would like to start soon.

Every morning Matt drove the van to the end of our street,  with 'For Sale' signs plastered in the windows to hope to catch some passing trade of fellow islanders on the way to the Nelly Bay ferry terminal.   We also put up new notices locally and online on the free classifieds.   Matt also had the brains to email the RV Campervan dealers in Sydney and Brisbane with photos, to see if they were interested.

I should tell you at this time, that we did go and see the used RV dealers here in Townsville, and they only would offer us $25K!  Oh please;  we paid $40K for it and we wanted $33k - $35k if possible.  It felt like an insult.

Every morning in my meditation sessions with Matt, I would do my 'affirmations' and say that the van would be sold.  Well blow me down, if last Tuesday 19th April 2011,  a car yard in Narrabeen NSW, (near where we used to live on the northern beaches) called up.   Matt had already spoken to a salesman about the van the week before and he too had only offered $25k.   But now the same salesman (Aaron) asked if we still had it for sale, and offered $28k - but Matt stuck to his guns and said the lowest he would go was $30K.

Aaron said he maybe had a buyer and would call back in 5 mins, which he duly did and said we had a deal on $30k and he would put $5k straight away into our bank account -  BUT we had to get the van to him by Sat 23 April for his buyer!   Matt said yes of course and the running around began;  Air fares had to be booked to come up from Sydney, but of course it was Easter  and Anzac day combined and the fares were extortionate!  We could get a fare for $199 each from Sydney to Townsville but we had to leave on 28 April, after Easter, Anzac Day and my birthday on 26th.    So sensing the cheap fares would go quickly, we booked them.

Now accommodation was the next issue.  Our good chum Geoff Williams who lives in Freshwater, (near our old place) let us stay on his sofa bed when we completed our  trip back to Sydney,  but would he have plans to go away over Easter?   Amid the chaos, Matt checked the bank account online to find us $5K richer, so we knew now the deal was ON!

I left a frantic message on Geoff's answering machine and told him to call us back when he got home, no matter what the hour.  Geoff is a bit of a social butterfly and we assumed he was out enjoying himself somewhere;  it turned out he was - at the Sydney Easter show - and on his return home at 11pm he got my message and phoned.   When we explained the situation, he said the words 'of course you can come and stay' and we heaved a sigh of relief.

And no doubt some of you are thinking, 'why didn't they just get their van on a train or haulage truck and send it down that way'?   We did think of that one, but it would cost over $2K but we calculated that  with petrol and air fares we could do it for $900  - so a long drive down to Sydney was on the cards.

So on Weds 20th April, we set off for Sydney, carrying the minimum we needed for 3 nights on the road, mindful that most of what we took with us would be left behind with Geoff or given to charity.  Unlike our previous adventures on the road, when we could just stop where we wanted and more importantly, go where we wanted, it was just drive, drive and then drive some more, as we had to get to the RV place in Narrabeen, Sydney Northern Beaches,  by Saturday afternoon.  And its 2300km from Magnetic Island to there.  So on Weds 20/4/11 we set off once more, singing our day song; 'On the road again' for the last time as we headed south.  We spent the first night in a rest area near Yaamba, Qld. and got up early and took off south again.

 We were fortunate that our chum Darran in Wellington Point (near Brisbane)  was  kind enough to let us stay for a night, on 21.4.11, before we drove further south the next day.    Darran's good pal Chris was driving up from Sydney to see him, and we spoke briefly on 21/4 just to say hello;  Well blow me down, we are just south of Ballina the next day, ( Fri 22.4.11) when we get a call on the moby, just as we pulled into a rest area for a cuppa.  It was Chris!  He said 'I just saw you guys going past me, where are you?'  We told him, and about 5 mins later Chris pulled up in his ute behind us.  What a spin out...  So Chris became our first and last ever guest in the campervan:  see photo.

Chris meets us on the road for a cuppa; 22.4.11: our first and last guest in the van!

We eventually arrived back in Sydney on Saturday morning 23.4.11  around noon, to grey skies and pouring rain.

We made our way to Geoff's place at Freshwater, and unloaded our sheets, blankets and assorted camping utensils, and with Geoff and I following Matt, in Geoff's car,  we headed for the RV Centre at Narrabeen in a downpour of rain.   Matt raced on ahead while we were stuck at traffic lights, and by the time Geoff and I arrived in the office, Matt had the cheque in his hand.   We waved goodbye to our van and jumped in Geoff's car tightly clutching the lovely cheque,  but feeling a bit sad that our faithful van had been sold.

The next few days passed in a whirl;  we went to the Art Gallery of NSW to view the Annual Archibald portrait prize paintings, then onto the Salon de Refuse at Observatory Hill, where the refused entries to the Archibald are shown.  Geoff, Matt and I, in the past, had made this a yearly event, and Geoff was stunned to find that  rather than go alone (as he had expected to do) his old chums were on hand to accompany him!

My birthday on 26th April 2011 (age 56!)  came along and we had a lovely dinner for 3 at Ribs and Rumps in Manly, and before we knew it, it was time to jump on the plane and head back to Townsville.

Ribs & Rump Restaurant; Manly NSW  26.4.11 Matt, Louise and Geoff 

So dear chums we are now minus 2 vehicles that we have been fortunately able to sell,  and our block of land in Horseshoe Bay is next to go!  If anyone out there wants to buy please give us an email at londonlouise@gmail.com     We promise to give you mate's rates...

Here are some stats of our big trip;  we did 48,000 kms (including taking the van back to Sydney to get sold);  Used 1 set of rear tyres; 4 oil changes;  around 5000 Litres of petrol costing about $7,250 (average price $1.45 per litre) plus a new windscreen, as the original one got a stone crack after just 2 weeks on the road, but lasted with medical tape holding it together until the end of the trip.  (We also got a new exhaust in Darwin,  Matt has just reminded me.)   We had 2 blown tyres near White Cliffs, NSW at start of the trip, and got bogged near Ballarat near Victoria.   

BUT OF COURSE  -  we had a massive amount of fun and saw all 22 things on our wish list, and more besides.   A big thank you to all who put us up in their homes, and who put up with us also...You know who you are!

The next adventure (or nightmare) depending on your viewpoint is to build a house here on Magnetic Island;  I shall keep you all informed when it gets going... If anyone knows a cheap house builder please let me know!

Thanks for all the comments along the way;  it was so good to get other views on what we were doing.

Love from Louise and Matt (now at the end of the big adventure...)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Byron Bay, Springwood, the Gold Coast, Brisbane & Magnetic Island Far North Queensland


Temporary New address:  39 Kelly Street,  Nelly Bay, Magnetic Island, Queensland, 4819

Dear pals and readers of our blog;  

Louise here at the helm, and sad to say this is our final blog of the trip, as we have at last, landed at Magnetic Island, in Far North Queensland, to stay with Matt's mum and dad, until such time as we either buy or build a house;  more on this endeavour later in the blog...

Firstly let me say to everyone who has left comments and viewed out blog; thank you!  Knowing our pals (and even people who found us by accident) were reading it, made Matt & myself continually say to each other 'lets take a photo of this for the blog'.

Well, a lot has happened in the last few weeks, and as its the last one, this may be a bit long, so please get seated comfortably.  It's going to be a bumpy blog.... (to paraphrase Bette Davis).

We last put out a blog on March 13, and then headed north west and decided Tamworth (the country music capital of Australia) was maybe worth a look;  we only stayed for lunch as we are not country music fans at all, and then made our way to the Yuraygir Nat. Park to stay the night; lovely park, right on the water.

Our next stop was Ballina NSW where I found a hairdresser to do my roots (relief) and then onto Byron Bay on Fri 18 March;  This is an area of Australia where the rich and famous have homes, (Paul Hogan and Olivia Newton John) and its a bit of an old hippie place too.  But as I have never been here before I wanted to have a look at the place to see what all the fuss was about.  The first thing we noticed as we drove into BB at 730am was that the place was packed with the people in lycra jogging and running around...  I was worried it may be compulsory, but we parked at the famous BB Lighthouse, and had breakfast in our van and then walked up to the top.  But horror!  It started raining, and being somewhere warm and raining is something I have not done since Singapore in 1977!  But as you can see by the photo, there is a first for lots of things...  As we looked out over the beach we could see a pod of dolphins swimming with the local surfers...  Magic;  just a shame the weather was awful...  Byron Bay is  a odd mixture of hippies, stoners and trendy coffee drinkers in somewhat equal measure.  Throw in some European backpackers and you can get the drift...  I like the place, but I have no idea why it has become so trendy...

On Sat 19.3.11 we decided to go to Brunswick Heads about 10km from Byron, and check out the free camping spots (if any).  Byron Bay was very camper van unfriendly and we did not want to risk getting fined.  We found a spot at the rear of the local surf lifesaving club, with other vans like ours also parked up; Lovely;   Just to illustrate how the locals are a weird mob, on sun 20.3.11 at 830am, as I was getting dressed a man knocked with a bicycle banged on the side of the van;  Matt attended as I was trying to get dressed, to find some chap about 50 asking him if he wanted to buy the bike;  sensing a nutter, Matt politely refused, only to be told by said bicycle seller, that the other people in the van next door, worked for the CIA and to be wary of them!  Matt said OK and waved him goodbye.   Too many magic mushrooms ingested earlier in life?  Who knows?  But at 10km away from Byron bay, nothing here would surprise me...

Later that day we went to the real stoner's paradise: Nimbin!  Now this really is the place where the old hippies go to die to get stoned, whichever comes first.   Its about 40km away to the west of Byron Bay and tourist buses run there all day, every day.   After walking down the main street for five minutes, we were offered hash cookies and dope by 4 different people!  We had lunch in the Rainbow Cafe and decided to cross this place off our list of places to go and head back to Brunswick Heads...

On Mon. 21.3.11 we headed north towards Queensland and just over the border we arrived at Springwood in the hills, where Matt's Aunty Lyn and her husband Gary live, in the middle of a rainforest.  They bought a plot of land in the early 70s and have a fantastic house here.  Fortunately for us the local parks service has sealed most of the road leading to their property, as our poor van would not have made it there without it.   The last 100m or so was unsealed but despite the ruts in the road, we made it...   We spent  2 nights with them and enjoyed their hospitality and lovely walks around the area with the new dog they have, Tully.   Matt and I were also able to catch up with some of Matt's cousins, who live nearby;  Thanks Dale and tim, and Beau and Hope;  it was great catching up with you guys again.

From here we went further north to Broadbeach Waters where we had a lovely lunch with Michael and his wife Alison at the Club Tale Surf Club, then a quick dash to Vince and Tony's place in Broadbeach Waters (our home for a few days) and Matt then got a call from another pal, and he dashed off to see him for a few hours! Phew...  Tony and Vince live right next to one of the canals, and we enjoyed their hospitality for 2 days before heading for Brisbane.  Thanks guys!

Our next port of call was Darran at Wellington Point;  I met Darran in September 1994 when we joined Sydney City Council as a Law Enforcement Officers (Rangers).  We became work colleagues and friends and Dazza left to pursue bigger things, but we managed to remain chums.    We stayed with Daz for 4 days, enjoying just lazing around the pool and taking the doggies for walks, it was all very relaxing.  Thanks Darran.

Hereon we decided to drive inland and check out Toowoomba (site of the awful flash flooding a month or so ago) and follow the Carnarvon Highway north.  Not much evidence of the flash flood in Toowoomba, but I was amazed how big the town was and how it is perched on top of a huge plateau.  We spent one night up the road from here in a town called Chinchilla, then made our way to Ijune.  Not very van friendly Ijune - in fact so bad we had to spend the night at the road adjoining the local cemetery! The last time we did this was at Tanunda in the Barossa Valley way back at the end of last year...  The great thing about camping at these venues is that the neighbours never complain...  Now we assumed our cemetery parking days were over when we left the next morning - but no; we had to do the same trick again at Clermont up the road.  Surely the good burghers of the towns should realise that if they put in free rest areas, the grey nomads will come and spend money in their country towns...

So on Friday 1st April 2011 we are only 50km west of Townsville and our ferry trip to the island.  But do we charge ahead like maniacs to finish our odyssey?  Do we bugger!  Instead Matt promises himself a huge pub counter meal at Charters Towers, which I think was mentioned in Blog 1 at the start of the trip?   Willing our van onwards, we arrive at 1pm dead and rush to the Molly McGuire pub on Gill St and Matt orders the biggest steak on the menu.  Me?  I plum for Guinness battered fish with chips, which I have to say was fan bloody tastic.   Matt realises he looks a complete wreck and dashes to the local barber to get himself looking fab again.  It was a lady barber much to our surprise, but after parting with $20 my lovely husband was back to looking his handsome self.

Next stop was the Reid River rest area, where in pouring rain, Matt and I washed the van as next day we were taking it to a car yard in Townsville with a view to selling it.  I wish I could say here that the next day the salesman went into raptures and offered us a great price for it; but it was not to be, and it took days of waiting for them to eventually offer us a paltry $25,000 (we paid $41,000) - an offer we, of course, politely refused.  We need all funds possible to help us build our dream home here on Magnetic Island.

I am getting ahead of myself here,  and after washing and scrubbing for ages, our little van look great and we fell into a deep sleep at bedtime;  Next day, we got up early and made our way to Townsville and the local McDonalds for brekky,  then went to the car yard above, then caught an earlier barge to Magnetic Island;  We stopped at the local bottle shop in Nelly Bay and bought a cheap bottle of champagne to celebrate our end and arrived at 39 Kelly St, to find the family cleaning the  granny flat downstairs, (our new home) and they were much amazed to see us arrive so early.  We opened the champers, and toasted the end of the journey.

Its now 10 days since we have been here, and in that time, I've had a major chest infection, that I had to get antibiotics to clear up from the local doctor.  We have our van and Matt's Mitsubishi Mirage for sale and getting the registration changed on Matt's Mirage and my Daihatsu Charade, was to put it mildly, a complete pain in the arse.  All states in Australia have their own state rules and regs regarding vehicles and if you are living interstate for more that 3 months (which we are) you have to change rego over to your new home state.  On Friday 8.4.11 we caught the barge to Townsville, with the van (to get a new windscreen fitted) and to attend the Queensland Dept of Transport offices to get our 2 sedan vehicles re registered for Queensland - a Herculean labour it turned out.

The process of getting this done would take a complete blog of its own, suffice to say Matt's Mitsubishi car was ok and has new Queensland plates, but mine (Daihatsu Charade)  has a discrepancy with the papers and I am, as I type, awaiting the Maggie islands one policeman to come and verify my engine number in my Charade against the paperwork.  The plan was to keep my car and sell Matt's one, but although several people have viewed his Mitsu Mirage, so far - no sale;  (Its going for $3600 if anyone out there is interested.)

Before I forget, I will get ahead of myself again, and explain the last photo of Matt's Dad Tom in that wheelbarrow.  Cyclone Yazi went through here a few weeks ago and lots of trees in gardens all over the island have branches hanging out of them, and these need to be removed before they cause problems.

Hold that thought.

Tom decides last Sat 9th April, to get up the massive trestle (3m high) he uses in his painting business and lop down a few branches with a handsaw;  so far so good, only I get the weirdest feeling that something is about to go amiss that I say to Petah, (Matt's mum) 'is that ladder roped to the tree Tom is chopping down?"  She informs me that all is OK as Tom is on a trestle (i.e like an A shape) and has been a painter for 40 years and has no hassle with ladders.

Still this nagging feeling persisted, and later about 5pm, and on the very last part of a half dead palm tree he was chopping, disaster struck.

I watched the whole thing from the upstairs balcony.   It was very odd, like a bad dream played in slo-mo,  I saw poor Tom fall from the top of the trestle and then over the wooden fence  into the neighbours garden next door.  I yelled out and ran down the stairs as fast as I could.  Matt who was just drying himself from the shower heard me shout 'Your dad has fallen off the ladder" and Matt managed to sprint past me like Usain Bolt on steroids and leap over the 2m fence.  Poor Tom was white as a sheet and fortunately was conscious and holding his leg.  Matt (who like me has a Senior First Aid certificate) told me to grab a blanket and some pillows which I duly did, and Petah was onto the ambulance.  The funny  part here is that the ambo station is literally on the next corner opposite the house, and the other good thing was that the neighbours next door were away, and oblivious to Tom making a hard landing in their garden.  The ambo man was fantastic, and luckily for Tom it was only his ankle he had sprained.  The next hard part was getting Tom home with one good leg;  this is where the wheelbarrow came into play, and as we knew we would probably never get Tom like this again, the camera had to come out!

So today Tues 12th we have visited the local real estate agent, whose husband is a house builder; we are meeting him tomorrow at our block of land next door here (yes, we bought the block of land next door to Matt's parents - Think I may have mentioned this in an earlier blog?) to see how much we will need to spend to build our 'dream home'.  Not that we are fussy;  a simple 3 bedroom jobby would do us very nicely, and of course all  homes here have to be cyclone proof.  They only get a bad cyclone here every 30 yrs or so I am reliably informed, but the cyclone has brought down the price of land here too, and we are trying to sell another block we have here to pay for the house!  Wish us luck eh?

So it is with a heavy heart I say goodbye to all our readers of our little blog of our big trip over the last 9 months or so.  I will be doing another blog of our adventures on the island (so look out for that) - I will send everyone a link when I get that up and going.  I am also toying with the idea of doing a post by post autobiography over the next 12 months or so?  Again I shall keep everyone informed when (and if!) I get that happening.

take care amigos;  much love Louise and Matt 

Louise with Byron Bay NSW main beach in background; shame it was raining! 18.3.11

Matt peeling some spuds in our van, 19.3.11; so happy I married a man that cooks...

Matt's Aunty Lyn with Tully (doggie) at Springwood, Gold Coast, Queensland - 21.3.11

Matt with the Gold Coast in the rear; 24.3.11

Now here is something I have never seen before; its a boiling water dispenser, at one of the parks at Burleigh Heads on the Gold Coast Qld.  Those gates are child proof! Just the thing for making a quick cuppa on the road... Do they have these in the U.K?  23.3.11

Here's Matt with Darran at Wellington Point, Qld;   26.3.11

Darran's 2 doggies, Zac and Sam  26.3.11

Matt with the van on the Magnetic Island vehicle barge going to the island; 2.4.11

Coming into Nelly Bay where the ferries dock on Maggie Island;  2.4.11

Matt outside his folks place at 39 Kelly St. Nelly Bay; 2.4.11

Poor Tom (Matt's dad) who looks pissed here, but he fell off a very high ladder (see rear of shot of it leaning on fence) and landed over the next door neighbours side; we called the medics, and luckily he only has a sprained ankle;  we had to carry him around in a this wheelbarrow as he was a bit heavy to carry on Matt's back!  Had to take this photo to show the world!  (9.4.11)    ++also note the broken Hills Hoist washing line behind - this was damaged in Cyclone Yazi when a tree landed on it!  Our 2 cars parked outside the house luckily remained unscathed...

Love louise and matt;  new blog re our Maggie island adventures coming soon....

Sunday, March 13, 2011

West Wylong, Sydney, Newcastle NSW

G'day moover and groovers; Matt here.

I needed to make an amendment to the last blog Louise sent out because, she forgot to mention before we arrived in Sydney, we visited our good friend Carmen, who lives on a 900 acre property in West Wylong.

We have known Carmen for over 10 years when Louise use to work with her at Sydney City Council, and we have been visiting Carmen (and her farm animals) at her lovely property for the past 3-5 years where Louise and I made the pilgrimage around twice a year.

We usually spend 3 or 4 days at Carmens and do the odd job helping out around the house and property, while I mow the lawn (all 5 acres on her ride on mower where it takes me 2-3 days) Carmen and Louise visit the local vinnies to do some shopping, followed by a BBQ and a few cold bevies in the afternoon (usually a red wine Sangria Louise makes up).

Carmen has been a great follower of our blog and a big thank you to her for her support and friendship!!!

See you again soon Carmen ...

Louie here, we are currently in Newcastle NSW and about to leave the bosom of our pals Al and Dewita to go north to the Gold Coast and Queensland in general, eventually to end up at our main destination, Magnetic Island near Townsville, far north Queensland.  Maggie island will be the end of our trip we think, but of course we may decided to stay on the road and go and see the bits of Queensland we missed when we started out - who knows?  Its a big country and we have met people on the road who have going around for years...

We arrived in Sydney about 3 March and spent some quality time with our chum Geoff who lives in Freshwater near where we used to live in Narraweena, on Sydney's northern beaches, before we started our trip.  It was great to catch up with him again and to see some of our old friends.  We were in Sydney to catch the main event, the 2011 Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Parade and Party.  We took out a serviced apartment in Bondi Junction, and after a lovely lunch with our chum Chris at Point Piper, on the day of the party, (4th) we headed off to Bondi Junction.

It was a fantastic party with about 10,000 other party goers, and the main DJ was a guy called USA DJ named Frankie Knuckles who is one of the originators of 'house' music, from his club the Warehouse back in the 80s.  He was very good to say the least and the laser lights were amazing; We met up with our girlfriend, Kelly B. who was on a float in the MG Parade, and it must have been a good night as we left at 6am and its all now a bit of a blur...

We returned back to Geoff's place on the Tuesday after the party, and spent a few more days with him, enjoying his hospitality and I managed to catch up with my chum from my ranger days, Jason.

Jason is still 'in the saddle' working at Warringah Council, and looked very smart in the new uniform now issued by them.  Out are the white cotton l/s shirts with shoulder patches, and in are the new polo type shirts with just the word 'ranger' on the front.  I'm not sure if they would grant the wearer the authority the old uniform would, but as I am lucky enough not to have to cop the abuse I used to when doing the job, I will have to just take a guess on that question.

We tearfully left Geoff last Thursday and made our way to here in Newcastle to stay with our chums Al & Dewita.  The weather has been kind to us and we have been taking their dog Cupcake to the dogs' beach for swims and enjoying the beaches (Bar Beach) and surrounds plus we went to one of the local flea markets on Sunday.

I will post some photos as soon as I can, the card reader for the camera is in the van somewhere  so apologies in advance.

It will be very odd getting back to sleeping in our little van again, for the past 3 weeks we have had the luxury of sleeping in other peoples beds so using our little 3/4 size mattress will be interesting to say the least...

I will have to go and jump in shower now and Matt is trying to get an online vote happening for the NSW elections that occur soon;  we shall be in Queensland and if we don't vote we get fined.
adios Louise

At Carmens place where the chickens like to eat dog food.  Jackie the dog somehow never seems to mind...25.2.11

Louise with Morgan the three legged cat, he lost one of his hind legs from a fox attack! 26.2.11

Carmens place situated on 900 acres

Some baby ducklings waddling around the house

Stevie the cat, he is the older and more wiser farm cat out of  the two cats that reside at Carmens place. 26.2.11

At our friend Geoff's place, we stayed with Geoff while in Sydney and he strung up all the post cards (45 of them) we sent him of our trip around OZ.  28.2.11

A night out with some of Louise's ex-work colleagues.  Jason and Tracey, Hob Nob Thai at Collaroy 3.3.11

We met up with our long time friend Chris at Manly beach for the day. 4.3.11

Some more pics of Chris his American friend Damon, Louise and Geoff. 4.3.11

Our friend Jonathan and his young snippet, Sienna, the cheeky little monster! 9.3.11

Louise and myself back at where we started our trip from in June 2010 outside Geoff's place in Freshwater... phew, we made it all in one piece! 10.3.11

thanks to all who made our stay in Sydney so memorable;  see you soon again we hope....

Friday, February 25, 2011

Mt Kosciuszko, Canberra - 14th - 21th Feb 2011

Hello all,

Matt here, I hope everyone is doing well, since our last update we managed to walk to the summit of Australia's highest mountain, Mt Kosciuszko.  It was definitely one of the highlights of our trip, if not my life, having wanting to walk to the top since I was a child.

The weather gods were looking down upon us the day we decided to take the 13km return trip to the top, with hardly any clouds in sight and a cool 18C which made it perfect for hiking the countryside.

We took a chairlift from the car park of Thredbo Ski resort 1km to where the walk starts and at an average of 3km an hour walking speed gave ourselves 3-4hrs to complete it, we were surprised to find that the length of the walk was covered by a metal meshing, which made us trek much faster and easier, we even saw a man and his wife push their baby in a pram to the top! 

The views along the way were breathtaking and the photos do not really do it justice, the wild flowers were blooming and streams of water flowed everywhere, not to mention the crowds of people trying to do the same thing as us, I must have counted about 20 people already at the summit when we arrived and estimated around 200 people would do it per day (weather permitting).

Thredbo had some great walking tracks but had to be on the lookout for mountain bike riders who also use the same tracks and come hurtling down behind you...

We also had a look at where the landslip had occurred back in 30 July 1997 killing 18 people and one person survived (Stuart Diver), this was quite a sobering moment standing on the spot where all these people lost their lives.

We drove around the Kosciuszko National Park for a few more days visiting sites of the huge snowy hydro scheme before heading into Canberra where we are at the moment.  (We also went to Perisher/Smiggins ski resort to have  look, not as nice as Thredbo, but it was raining hard at the time.)

We had the privilege of sitting in on "question time" today at Parliament House to watch how all our politicians behave like school children in the playground ( it is very scary these people run our country from the way way carry on and behave) but I must admit they were very funny and we all know its not them who run the country, it is the bureaucrats.

We also visited the Australian Mint, the National Gallery of Australia, the Bald Archies and will also visiting the Australian National Museum, Questacon (The National Science and Technology Centre), Australian Institute of Sport and the Australian War Memorial and the best thing about visiting all these places are... THEY ARE FREE! (Louise's second favourite "F" word...)

After Canberra we will be heading to our friend's place - Carmen who lives in West Wylong for a few days, we will do a blog from there to fill you all in.

We hope you are all doing well and thanks for reading our blog.

Matt and Louise xoxoxox

Louise after the walk 14.2.11
and again;;;

matt on the mesh walk to the top... 14.2.11
near the top...

Louise having lunch on the way... 

Made it!  Here we are at the cairn at the top of Mt Kosciuszko.... 14.2.11
On the long walk down....

the top here was so crowded with walkers having lunch!
Looking down to Thredbo... 14.2.11

The village from chair lift;

At Murray 1 station on the snowy hydro dam scheme; 17.2.11

this huge boulder was being cut up b4 our eyes on road past Murray 1 above!
One of the main dam walls  17.2.11

Lou outside new parliament house, Canberra ACT  18.2.11
Inside the chamber; we got to see question time with a full sitting of MPs; it was amazing...

Lou on steps of old parliament house; now the Museum of Democracy....18.2.11

Matt in the PMs office 18.2.11

anyway groovers we are currently in West Wyalong NsW at our pal Carmen's house for a few days; shall get a blog out about here,  lots of farm animals, and we are having a lovely relaxing time...

all the best;  matt and louise

Friday, February 11, 2011

Falls Creek, Mt Buffalo, Mt Hotham - 6-11 Feb 2011


Louise here at the helm of the blog, to bring everyone up to date with some more of our adventures travelling around Aussie;  all good so far,  the weather has been a bit up and down, the dreaded Cyclone Yasi hit Magnetic Island (Townsville) as reported in the last blog;  the damn thing has been dumping so much rain on Australia it is not funny, with the drought we have had for the past 10 years, well and truly over.  Even Lake Eyre which was flooded at the start of our trip in June, and only gets flooded 'once in a blue moon' is now flooded yet again.   Cyclones plus we are now in a 'la nina' event is not a good combo, but I am hoping we are over the worst of it now.  

We are currently back in New South Wales, having crossed the border about lunchtime today from Victoria.  Our plan is to divert north west into the Alpine country again and go to see Mt Kosciusko (highest in Australia) and also Thredbo and Perisher;  I did not think much of Mt Hotham to be honest, one main street with loads of accommodation dotted around;  due to the crap weather our planned bushwalks were a non event, so we charged on and here we are back in NSW.

I have to say the visit to the Chalwell Galleries walk/rock outcrop at Mt Buffalo was something else!  9.2.11 - We were luckily warned by a neighbour Annie at the camp site, that 'you will have to climb over some big boulders' - OK I can do that with a bit of a leg up from Matt - no problem.  But...when we got to the hard part well,  it was very challenging to say the least;  Matt had to go down on his bum over a big boulder to get into the chimney area, with me following;  Matt did his usual con job on me by saying, 'yeah lou, its pretty easy, just watch your head...'  Well, once in I was committed to going forward through the gap;  I looked up to see abut 3 large boulders the size of a fridge jammed above me in the chimney, and I immediately thought of Aron Ralston, the guy who had to chop off his own arm when trapped in a similar place;  I had my trusty Swiss army knife with me, but I figured Matt could go get help if anything happened;  then again, there was my life insurance policy...  (only joking).  It was tough to slide on my arse down the huge boulders but Matt was in front telling me where to place my feet and after 20 mins or so we were out.  I felt very invincible after that gruelling climb/crawl and did not moan about the rest of the walk, or shall I ever again...  (yeah right, - Matt)

OK I will finish now;  have a happy Valentines day on 14th Feb;  I may go nuts and wear the sexy lingerie to bed,  this consists of a pair of undies that have not been mangled by the launderettes we have used on the trip, and a bra that has not similarly been ruined!  Use your imagination - or not, as the case may be...

Louise xxx

A view from a bush walking track above Falls Creek Ski Resort  6.2.11

A view along a walk around Falls Creek  7.2.11

This pic was taken a day after the weather had cleared from the Cyclone Yasi when its weather pattern hit Victoria.  7.2.11

 Matt on a walking track at Falls Creek, it was one of the most perfect day of our trip so far, the air was so fresh and the sky was so clear.  Everywhere you looked it was worth a picture, especially with all the flowers blooming!

"A day to remember"

The dam at the top of Falls Creek  7.2.11

Louise at a lookout over the Valley that runs between Falls Creek and Mt Buffalo.

This pic was taken when traveling from Falls Creek to Mt Buffalo. 8.2.11

Matt beside the lake at the camp spot at Mt Buffalo. 8.2.11

The weather stayed perfect for almost a week after Cyclone Yasi, so we made the most of it and tried to fit in as many bush walks as possible.

The staircase to get to the summit of Mt Buffalo called "THE HORN".  9.2.11

It was a 1km return walk.

At the top of "THE HORN" the views were amazing, you could see as far the eye could see with 360 degree views.

We could even see Mt Kosciusko in the distance in NSW.

Just below us were some people abseiling.  

Matt felt like jumping on a rope and having a go!

On another walk at Mt Buffalo, this was called "THE CATHEDRAL" 9.2.11

Louise inside a cave, we had to go through on another walk at Mt Buffalo, this walk was called "THE CHALWELL GALLERY"  - a climbers 'chimney' about a shoulder width wide... 9.2.11

It was quite a tough and challenging walk this one, where our climbing skills had to come into play!

Matt climbing through the cave of the Chalwell Gallery.

Looking back up into the cave of the Chalwell Gallery, you can just see the light coming through the top of where it all started. It was narrow, but had 3 handholds installed to get down the steepest section.

Matt having a breather just after having climbed down through the cave of the Chalwell Gallery. 9.2.11

Arriving at Mt Hotham, Vic. for lunch (you can see how quick the weather rolls in with the clouds in the background) which is built along the Great Alpine Highway (the highest road in Australia)

We did plan on staying there for a day or two to do some walks, but the weather forecast was rain, rain and more rain, so we pushed on down the mountain for a few km's and onto a place called Dinner Plain (a township that is part of Mt Hotham).