Friday, February 25, 2011

Mt Kosciuszko, Canberra - 14th - 21th Feb 2011

Hello all,

Matt here, I hope everyone is doing well, since our last update we managed to walk to the summit of Australia's highest mountain, Mt Kosciuszko.  It was definitely one of the highlights of our trip, if not my life, having wanting to walk to the top since I was a child.

The weather gods were looking down upon us the day we decided to take the 13km return trip to the top, with hardly any clouds in sight and a cool 18C which made it perfect for hiking the countryside.

We took a chairlift from the car park of Thredbo Ski resort 1km to where the walk starts and at an average of 3km an hour walking speed gave ourselves 3-4hrs to complete it, we were surprised to find that the length of the walk was covered by a metal meshing, which made us trek much faster and easier, we even saw a man and his wife push their baby in a pram to the top! 

The views along the way were breathtaking and the photos do not really do it justice, the wild flowers were blooming and streams of water flowed everywhere, not to mention the crowds of people trying to do the same thing as us, I must have counted about 20 people already at the summit when we arrived and estimated around 200 people would do it per day (weather permitting).

Thredbo had some great walking tracks but had to be on the lookout for mountain bike riders who also use the same tracks and come hurtling down behind you...

We also had a look at where the landslip had occurred back in 30 July 1997 killing 18 people and one person survived (Stuart Diver), this was quite a sobering moment standing on the spot where all these people lost their lives.

We drove around the Kosciuszko National Park for a few more days visiting sites of the huge snowy hydro scheme before heading into Canberra where we are at the moment.  (We also went to Perisher/Smiggins ski resort to have  look, not as nice as Thredbo, but it was raining hard at the time.)

We had the privilege of sitting in on "question time" today at Parliament House to watch how all our politicians behave like school children in the playground ( it is very scary these people run our country from the way way carry on and behave) but I must admit they were very funny and we all know its not them who run the country, it is the bureaucrats.

We also visited the Australian Mint, the National Gallery of Australia, the Bald Archies and will also visiting the Australian National Museum, Questacon (The National Science and Technology Centre), Australian Institute of Sport and the Australian War Memorial and the best thing about visiting all these places are... THEY ARE FREE! (Louise's second favourite "F" word...)

After Canberra we will be heading to our friend's place - Carmen who lives in West Wylong for a few days, we will do a blog from there to fill you all in.

We hope you are all doing well and thanks for reading our blog.

Matt and Louise xoxoxox

Louise after the walk 14.2.11
and again;;;

matt on the mesh walk to the top... 14.2.11
near the top...

Louise having lunch on the way... 

Made it!  Here we are at the cairn at the top of Mt Kosciuszko.... 14.2.11
On the long walk down....

the top here was so crowded with walkers having lunch!
Looking down to Thredbo... 14.2.11

The village from chair lift;

At Murray 1 station on the snowy hydro dam scheme; 17.2.11

this huge boulder was being cut up b4 our eyes on road past Murray 1 above!
One of the main dam walls  17.2.11

Lou outside new parliament house, Canberra ACT  18.2.11
Inside the chamber; we got to see question time with a full sitting of MPs; it was amazing...

Lou on steps of old parliament house; now the Museum of Democracy....18.2.11

Matt in the PMs office 18.2.11

anyway groovers we are currently in West Wyalong NsW at our pal Carmen's house for a few days; shall get a blog out about here,  lots of farm animals, and we are having a lovely relaxing time...

all the best;  matt and louise

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

here the placed pictures are nice and it really is a great ride. Again, there are some drains that cross the roads at points, but these are usually either hoppable or easy to find a smooth line through.Bikes Canberra