Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Bungle Bungles from the air; fantastic striped domes with weird gorges in them... 13.8.10

Louise at the WA Border Thurs 12.8.10 ; quarantine area in background.

matt swimming at the Wangi Falls pool at Litchfield Nat Park 9.8.10

have you seen one this big b4? Giant termite mound near Litchfield Nat Park. Northern territory...8.8.10

dear friends,Lou here; hope you are all well...

here we are in mcdonalds in Broome, and I am frantically trying to get the blog out to you dear readers, while we have a decent and Free wi fi connection; We are going to the Telstra shop here later on to tell them to cancel our service, but fear not; we shall do the blog from internet cafes along the way, thus saving us $70 per month

Last post I promised to tell about our adventures in Litchfield National Park which is just outside Darwin, the place is very different to Kakadu but worth a visit; It has great waterfalls with swimming holes, lovely walks amid rainforest and best of all FREE camping sites; we were camped for 2 days by the Buley Rockpools which are a series of plunge pools running down the side of a hill; clear as a bell and cold, great for a cool off; it was packed on sunday 8.8.10 as the locals all descend, but next day we went to the Wangi fall, another big plunge pool with 2 waterfalls which are about 15m high and the pond is about 20m across with a sandy bottom in a shallow spot in the middle; go figure;;; also has fish that like to nibble on your legs, weird at first but OK after a bit...

after Litchfield park we decided to head for the west australian state border, but this meant we had to back track to Katherine then head west for Kunnamurra W.A and the Bungle Bungle striped mountains which we had been hanging out to see; Now you overseas readers, as Oz-tralia is to big it took us 2 days travel to get to the WA Border, and after staying in some rest areas on the way and going thru some 2 horse towns we arrived at the WA Border on Thurs. 12.8.10 and for the first time we had to pass thru a quarantine inspection! This meant a nice man from WA State Quarantine came into the van and had a look around, we had to give him a jar of honey as that was not allowed in, and luckily for us we had eaten all the fruit we had for brekky earlier...

Then we drove onto Kunnamurra and booked in for the flight around the Bungle Bungles; found a free camping spot o/s town and Matt did his campfire cooking which I am slowly becoming addicted to; don't ask me what I weigh as I don't want to think about that;; more than when I started I would say but as I tell myself every morning 'I'm on holidays...'

Anyways folks I would ramble on a bit more, but Matt wants to go and look around the place,,, We are off down the WA Coast now, we sat on cable beach and watched the sun set on the west coast for a change, so we are hoping to find a free campsite and hole up for a few days and matt may get out the fishing rods... Watch this space;

Love Louise & Matt (loma)

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