Sunday, September 5, 2010

Dampier, Karatha, Onslow, Exmouth and Coral Bay

(4th Sept)  Louise at Touquise Bay (Exmouth), the water was crystal clear where the visibility underwater was as far as you could see, with loads of fish and colourful reefs.
(4th Sept) Louise at the Oyster stacks (Exmouth)
(3rd Sept) On top of the lookout at Exmouth, we watched the sunset over the ocean while loads of humpback whales were  frolicking in the bay behind us. As it became darker you could also see the gas platforms out at sea with their gas plumes burning away illuminating the nights sky over the horizon.
(3rd Sept) Matt at the Yardi Gorge a 2km ridge walk, you could see people kyaking down below in the water (Exmouth)
(1st Sept) Louise at the Charlse Knife gorge (Exmouth)
(30 Aug) Louise sitting outside our camping spot, where we stayed for the week when were in Exmouth.
We named the beach, Byron Beach. During the sunset dolphins would swim by looking for a feed, it was breath taking.
(29th Aug) We had to get a photo taken of the termite mound city, just outside of Onslow, there were thousands of them...
(28th Aug) This place was in the middle of nowhere near Karatha, it was so quiet, you could only hear yourself breathing, and the stars at night just lit up the sky, it was actually quite eerie... 

(29th Aug) This was our resting place for the night at Onslow.
(24th Aug) We could not get on a tour at the Mt Newman mine, the worlds biggest open cut mine (the weather was too wet), so Matt settled for a photo in front of one of their old trucks instead.
(25th Aug) Louise on the Tom Price mine tour, everything in mining is just 'BIG'.

(25th Aug) Matt standing at the Tom Price mine tour lookout, in the background is where most of the "Tonka" trucks would dump the iron ore.

(5th Sept) This photo was taken today at Coral Bay's boat jetty from where I wrote this blog, people were coming off fishing boat charters with fish they caught - no smaller than the length of your whole arm (mainly red emperor for all you keen fishing buffs)...

Hello there dear followers,

Since our last post, we have moved on from the Pilbara region of WA to the Coral Coast where it is just absolutely magnificent.  After going on a mine tour of Tom Price (owned by Rio Tinto) we moved onto Karatha and Dampier (run by Rio Tinto), which are big mining towns which is very similar to Port Headland (run by BHP).

Karratha is basically a town booming with new real estate (average price for a new 3 bedroom house $800K) where all the workers and their families live, and the ships get loaded with Iron Ore from Dampier (where all the workers travel to each day to work, about 15Km form Karratha).
One ship can hold up to 160,000 tonnes of iron ore and up to 6 ships are being loaded at any time 24/7 -  (it takes around 24 - 36 hours to load a ship).

We decided the next port of call was Onslow, a small fishing town on the coast which also had a very big salt mine, where the majority of it is shipped off to Asia, the ships dock up to a long jetty and the salt is carried out via 3km of conveyer belt from the mine (we only stayed there for a night).

Next we moved down the coast a little further to Exmouth, this is where we found our Utopia, after being on the road for the past 3 months and nearly 16,000km and not really having stayed at anyone place for more than a day or two (because of the lack of things to do and see), this was the place we were looking for to have a break - and we stayed for a week.

The drivable coastline of Exmouth travels for around 100km where around the other side of the Exmouth cape is a national park and marine park, there were gorges to explore, beaches to snorkel and camping spots to be hunted out (as you can see in the pics).  In one morning while having breakfast, humpback whales swam past and on the same day we saw a huge monitor lizard cross the road in front of us, wild horses were roaming in the national park, wild emus and kangaroos were just casually chomping on the side of the road.

I must say Exmouth is probably the best place we have visited so far (everything about it reminds me of what the vibe was like on Magnetic Island say, 15 years ago) minus the emus, dolphins, whales, horses and kangaroos.

Today, we just arrived at Coral Bay W.A.  - Its just 150km down the road from Exmouth, where I am writing this blog from the boat ramp car park (see pic) it is a beautiful place were it is on the edge of the Ningaloo reef, the same as Exmouth.  We had a snorkel over the reef, but there is not as many fish as Exmouth, and it was quite windy.  The place is littered with "NO CAMPING" signs everywhere you turn, but, given we are now veterans of finding the elusive legal camping spots (we do not want to waste $30 a night to stay in a caravan site, when we paid so much money to live in a campervan, it just doesn't make sense to us)  - we have found a good spot behind the local supermarket and will doss up there for the night and will be heading off to Canarvon tomorrow - early!

We hope you are all well and are enjoying our blog and photos we have taken.

We will try to keep you posted as much as possible but as already explained in our previous blogs, Telstra coverage is "CRAP".

Bye for now.

Matt and Louise xoxoxoxo

please pass our web address around to yr pals; and become a follower of our blog.

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