Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Louise's old ranger work boots after the 10km walk around Uluru (Ayers Rock)


Louise here, sorry for not publishing a blog earlier than this, but we (again) have had zero coverage of the wi fi or the mobile phone (0437 397 222); damn you, bloody Telstra! But that aside, we have had a fantastic last few days. We had to stay at the Ayers Rock resort as, its the only place in town, but was very well laid out with great amenities. To enter the national park where Uluru is situated cost us $25 each for a 3 day pass; the weather was windy and cold (15C) top day temps and 2c at night, but sunny and clear; great conditions one would think for a great climb up 'the Rock'? Unfortunately, no... As we entered the park and paid our fees, there was the sign Matt did not want to read; Climb closed due to high wind conditions.

I, dear readers, did NOT want to climb the rock; signs are posted at various points from the local Anangu people asking people NOT to climb as the rock is a sacred site; plus the gruesome fact that over the last few years 35 people have died doing just that...its very steep to say the least.

So we decided to do the 'big walk' right around the rock; I have to say here we both had a very spiritual feeling when we approached the rock for the first time; it is massive; its 10km around and it says in the leaflet to allow 3 1/2 hrs; Ha! We thought, we can do it in less than that; Wrong again..
We walked for ages and it was just amazing, but by the end my legs were protesting loudly to stop...we checked out the part where the chain goes up the side for climbers to hang onto and honestly folks I got vertigo just looking at it.

The next day we came back again to have another go at the climb part for Matt, and again no go, closed again due to the wind, so we drove the 48km across the park to The Olgas; like Ayers Rock, but made of 'domes' and one is able to walk through these; we did the Valley of the winds walk; fully around, 7.4km and as the brochure states 'difficult in places'; too true; this was a 3 hr walk, and not for the faint hearted. Today my legs are still sore...

the sunset views for the Rock and the Olgas were also really good and for some reason the place is crowded with French tourists! Viewing 'the rock' we had to jostle with about 100 other campervans, all awaiting the magic moment.

The Olgas at sunset with full moon

when the aliens land, here is the arrow pointing the way! (or am I the only one who thinks this is what it looks like?) at The Olgas

matt at the sunset view of the Olgas; 24.7.10

matt sitting near one of the many caves on Ayers Rock; 26.7.10

matt at the rear of the Olgas

Uluru/ayers rock at sunset; full moon; 26.7.10

After Uluru, we went to Kings Canyon; and guess what; it rained! Anyways we shall download the photos of Kings canyon in the next blog (if we can get a signal); currently we are back in Alice Springs, we are visiting Stanley Chasm tomorrow, then heading north for the town of Katherine; and onto Kakadu and Darwin; Happily it has warmed up here and for once I am not typing this in my ugg boots; bring on the hot weather I say...

So amigos, ciao for now and pls leave any comments and become a follower of our blog...

Louise & matt (loma) xxxx

1 comment:

Wit said...

Hey guys

I do love the internet, am enjoying "following" you around! And Lou I am with you on the weather front - bring on the warm days! I was enjoying winter...not any more!!

Look forward to your next installment - it's kinda like "Where's Wally?" waiting to see where you pop up next.

love ya and be saf

Dewi, Al and kids

PS Ashi just turned 17!!!!