Saturday, July 31, 2010

kings canyon area;

matt and I at the Standley Chasm

the lizards here lay on the road to heat up and expect cars to drive around them...

matt at the simpsons gap N.T

Dear chums

Louise here, again sorry for not posting earlier to the world, but, yes - once more its the fault of bloody Telstra and their crap service; what are we paying for? Anyways enough of that, and I'll relate a bit more of our trip;;; I am going back a bit now as we have had bugger all connectivity...

We left Ayers Rock and headed up the road a bit for Kings Canyon, a red rock escarpment and cliffs a few hours drive from Ayers Rock; There's a paying campsite, and we decided that the laundry bag was getting a bit full and decided to stay there and get domestic. Very nice place, great sunset views along the cliffs and a coin operated laundry - luxury... On entering the place there is a large sign warning about dingoes and saying not to try to feed or pet them as they are wild and can be dangerous. Hold that thought; Just after walking to the shop on site, what do we see in front of us, walking like he owned the place; yep - a dingo! I've never seen a wild one before and the way he just tripped around between the camper vans amazed me. Of course no camera on us, but would this face lie?

The next day we headed for the Kings Canyon area planning to do a walk around the rim, but can you believe it actually started raining, and as the walk up the side of the hill was quite steep we decided not to do it, just in case we came a cropper, and that would be the end of the trip. So we walked around inside the canyon and then up the road to the Katherine Springs 2km walk; by now the rain was a bit heavier and I broke out my old Warringah Council Rangers raincoat, a copy of the Drizabone, which I had brought along specially for this occasion! Matt broke out this lovely army camo one and off the pair of us went. Even in the wet it was good;

I am going to post this bit of the blog now and try another post after dinner; we are currently outside Darwin, after spending some time in Kakadu (which was amazing to say the least); and the connections even here are very slow;

keep smiling...

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