Saturday, July 3, 2010

Overlooking Broken Hill

dear friends; what an exciting first week we have had on our trip; We are presently in White Cliffs in west NSW;opal country; and on

the way here from Broken hill we had a bit of a calamity; let me explain that until yesterday, Matt was the sole driver of our lovely van; so on the very quiet road to White Cliffs yesterday, around 4.30pm, Matt suggested I have a quick drive. As I have driven all types of vehicles in my time I said OK; Off we went, and on reaching 80km the van rear started to 'fish tail' and Matt advised me that I was using the power steering 'too hard', so I eased up a bit and it stopped. But on seeing Matt's look of worry I asked him if he would prefer to drive again, and he of course said yes! After 5 mins of Matt's driving we heard a weired tut,tut,tut noise and pulled over to find our rear back left tyre had started to shred! And it had gone very, very flat... Matt looked aghast, but remembering my ranger days, said 'Ok honey, Let's find the jack...'

Dear chums, I am hear to tell you this was at 4.50pm as the light was going and by 5.25pm we had the spare tyre on; Thank the gods for a husband with muscles eh?

1 comment:

chiwuwu said...

There is method in madness Lou!