Monday, November 8, 2010

Flinders Rangers National Park, Mt Remarkable Nat Park, Innes Nat Park: 30th Oct - 6th Nov 2010 South Australia

Dear friends; 

 Matt here doing a quick blog to keep you all up 2 date with our adventures;  As you can see from below we are getting out there and seeing the countryside as much as possible, and we have been staying in some absolute fab national parks along the way.  

Mount Remarkable Nat Park near Port Pirie was a gem; (see below); the only thing that would have made that part of the trip more amazing was if our bloody trifecta for the Melbourne Cup had come good... Of course we had 2 of the winners, not the third, but of course there is always next year...

Currently we are in a tiny place called Point Julia on the east side of the Yorke Peninsula, and we shall be slowly making our way to the Clare Valley (wine region) and the Barossa Valley (another wine region) to grab some of the red stuff (vino).  Gotta love those cellar doors.   Such a shame Lou makes me spit it out after tasting...  

Louise taking a pose with the Wilpena Pound in the background on our 10km bush walk around one of the many walks you can do in the Flinders Ranges.  We found out its called 'pound' like in dog pound as the whole circle of hills held sheep in the old days; we did an 8km hike to one of the old houses that remains from the 1880s; life was so hard for people back then; thank the gods we are all born in the 20th century and have an easy time of it...
   31 oct 2010

It was a beautiful day, the birds were singing the temperature was great and the rabbits were - you know what  - and there were plenty of those to be seen...

Matt patting one of the furry creatures that roam the Wilpena Pound campground.  This roo came straight up to us wanting to be fed;  very surreal, but signs say 'do not feed' so we just patted it instead.
We even snuck in a warm shower here at the site where were NOT staying -  he he he...30.10.10

Matt at the lookout over the inside of the Wilpena Pound, early graziers used to hold up to 120,000 sheep in that there pound!  Its massive...    (31 oct 2010)

We hiked in 8km to get the view and it was worth it!

  Yep, it was a bit cold on this big walk - very cold winds here.
Louise with another wonderful pose on our 10km trek.  1.11.10

Not too sure if this tree had been genetically modified?  1.11.10

Our camp spot (and probably my most favorite one on this trip) at the Mount Remarkable Nat. Park.  It even had a water tap at each site and hot showers, I had a few of them each day to make up for the ones I have missed during this trip.  (we have a shower on board the van, but we are using it for storage!) 2.11.10

The stream that run past our van in the Mount Remarkable NP.  Our van is just to the right hand side of the big tree that is blocking it, in the pic. 3.11.10

Another tree we thought may have been genetically modified at the Mount Remarkable NP. 3.11.10

"LAND AHOY DERE CAPT'N" Matt giving it all at the Innes Nat Park.  Captain Pugwash, eat your heart out!  7.11.10

(Corny Point, the most westerly point on the Yorke Peninsula)  One of our lovely camp spots that we happened to find, part being pure luck and part  being a little adventurous.  During sunset, we saw dolphins swim past the point in the background of the pic.  Lovely...  8.11.10

Million dollar views which was Free to us, Louise's second favorite "F" word.

(Corny Point) I could not resist showing off my photographic flare using the macro tool on the camera.

(Corny Point)
 Louise and I decided to take a stroll around the Corny Point area and were amazed at its beauty.  You could take yourself back 200+ years or even further and imagine you were the first people to ever inhabit the land.  8.11.10

You really get a true sense of wellbeing, self independence and feel so far removed from the rest of the world, it just feels like you and nature.


More later; keep checking the site;  we will always get blogs out if the Net is working and we get a signal.... Adios Amigos.... Matt

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