Tuesday, November 16, 2010

quick update - Adelaide S.A.

dear pals - Lou here

we are currently in Adelaide S.A.  after spending some time in the Barossa Valley and in the Adelaide Hills,  we are hoping to get to the free Wi Fi InerNet spot at the library of S.A in town tomorrow to get out a proper blog; we are running out of our Big Pond 3G MBs and we get another 6GB on the 23rd!  Damn Telstra!  You all know my feelings about that particular company eh?

Just to let you know -  we spent last night at the rear of the sports centre in Hahndorf  in the Adelaide Hills and it is actually sunny today after having crap weather (rain and cold winds) the last few days... We took in Glenelg today; that wonderful palindromic suburb of Adelaide - and very trendy the place was too...  Worth a look; we liked it heaps.

We are currently parked up in a marina near Port Adelaide;  not salubrious but hey - its free; and as we are on a tight budget of sorts, that word is our favourite.

Anyways dear readers - enough of my ramblings,  we shall get our bums to the library and another blog of literary and photographic splendour will be soon dispatched....we hope...

Love to all;  Louise and matt

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